Saturday, July 24, 2010

Great Reads Page

Not sure if you noticed, but I took off the blog links that I like which used to be to the right under my blog post archives and instead, published them on the link above titled "Great Reads".

I just got done updating it and just wanted to give you a brief overview:
  • Chile Expat Blogs: blogs of other expats living in Chie
  • Other Interesting Blogs: blogs of other people I know and/or enjoy reading
  • Fitness/Personal Balance Blogs: blogs related to fitness, exercise, personal balance, being healthy, etc.
  • Foodie/Recipe Blogs: blogs that post recipes that I enjoy
  • Personal/Professional Development Blogs: blogs that discuss personal & professional development such as personal finances, etc.
  • Stores About Dulcinea: links to all the blog posts I wrote at Who's Your Dachshund
  • Dulcinea's Favorite Blogs: blogs of dachshund's that Dulci likes to keep up with
I included the stories about Dulcinea as a quick reference since I am no longer blogging at WYD. I honestly don't have the time to keep up with the commitment required and it would be irresponsible of me to keep going forward knowing that I couldn't meet the time requirement. I had a great time blogging over there and wish I could keep going. But things have changed, I have other responsibilities to take care of right now and focus on and I had to make the decision. So that probably means that Dulcinea will get featured here more often, if I get around to blogging about her. I have plenty to tell, it is just a matter of sitting down and documenting it. Kind of like with everything else I want to blog about. I have a list of a ton of topics to write about, and sometimes on my way to work I even craft the post in my head.....but somehow, it just never makes it to the blog.

Anywho, enough babbling. If you want to check out some other great blogs, check out my Great Reads page.


Disclaimer—La Chilengüita is a blog created upon my personal experiences and which expresses my personal opinion that in no way represents the views my employer, family or friends.