Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorable Memorial Day

I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day and thanks to those of you who have and currently serve our country!

Yesterday was a memorable day for us even though it wasn't a holiday for us here in Chile.  But the exciting events of the day were:
  1. I signed up for the gym.  This will help with my goal of working out 3 times per week.  It is a pretty awesome gym in the same building as my work which makes it much easier for me to actually do my workouts.  
  2. We got a new car!!!!!  Well, not new new, but new to us.  It is a 2001 Chrysler Stratus in bomb condition thanks to a good friend who took really good care of it and invested a lot back into it during the 2 years he had it.  And as of last night, it is ours!  Next thing on my agenda is getting my driver's license :) And of course, you know the first thing Christian wanted to do this morning was to take pictures of it.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I´m going to have to get my driver´s licence when I go to Chile as well!

Disclaimer—La Chilengüita is a blog created upon my personal experiences and which expresses my personal opinion that in no way represents the views my employer, family or friends.