Friday, February 6, 2009

Longing for this....

This morning I read this article on the about how the last Balenchine dancer, Darci Kistler, will be retiring in the 2010 season. Every time I read something about dance, I feel a tug on heart strings, I feel like I'm not doing what I was meant to...I become sad because I am my happiest when I am dancing. It's always been that way....even before I was in dance classes.
Sometimes I wish I would have just said screw studying the "safe" subject (ie. accounting) and go study dance and see where I would have ended up. In Chile? I doubt it. Married to Christian? Probably not. Well I definitely would not take back meeting and marrying him for the life of me....but I do wish with all my alma (soul) that I could spend my day dancing. Hell, I'd even be happy with taking a few classes a week, but right now that just isn't going to happen--there isn't the extra money and definitely no time between working full-time and wedding planning full-time. Plus I have found it extremely difficult to find a good school here in Chile, that has adult classes, that isn't just "baile entretenido" (wtf is that anyway?), and that isn't during the day when normal people are working. I did dance for a few months when I lived in Viña and it was amazing to be back in ballet and actually perform in the Municipal Theatre. But I haven't danced since May (when my university dance class ended) and it is definitely taking its toll on me. I need dance to live, it is what feeds my soul.
A dream forever mine....


Maeskizzle said...

How bout going to El túnel el sabado? jejejeje. supposedly they play funk, hip-hop and other cool music that doesn't include Reggaeton.

Several of the female capoeiristas study dance. A couple are big into Afro, one of them goes to an institute that focuses mostly on flamenco, although they do other Spanish dances. And somebody mentioned the other day that she had studied ballet. I will ask around for good "datos". I think there are some good groups here. My capoeira group is awesome. I can look into that for you so you'll have something to look forward to post-wedding, onda en julio/agosto.

Did you take Religion and Dance at CU? I faintly remember talking about this with took both semesters, right? And that's when you wrote a report on the cueca, probably. Such a good class! It was only one semester back when I took it. :(

Yeah, they offer "baile entretenido" at V's and my gym. I have yet to see the class however. I hope it's fun. I'm going to suggest they have hip-hop classes like Energy gym does at Tobalaba.

Amanda said...

I took some dance classes in Santiago! Do it! It's fun and a way to actually meet other women who won' hate you :)

Anonymous said...

Love the picture.

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