Last night was the Dave Matthews Band concert here in Santiago and it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!
I consider myself to be a pretty big DMB fan, although I used to be much more hardcore. Living in Chile, I have been somewhat removed from following the band and even listening to their music. But ever since Andrea and I got tickets to go, I have been listening to them at work nonstop. And I kinda feel like I've been betraying them all this time....or rather, betraying a part of myself that truly loves this music.
I am so glad they finally decided to come to Chile, right when I happen to be living here. It was their first time here and while Movistar Arena was not sold out, I sure hope they saw how much the DMB fans in Chile love them. I for one did enough screaming to almost lose my voice.
Suffice to say we jammed out and had a blast watching the band do its thing. I can't believe it has been 5 years since I saw them live. This was my 6th DMB concert and it definitely didn't disappoint--3 hours of seeing them so close, singing to all my favorite songs and just being bewildered at how badass of musicians they are. Seriously. Bad-freaking-ass musicians...! It was such a great reminder of how amazing music is....and we were so close to the stage, by far the closest I have been at any of the concerts!
Oh make me swoon....
Oh and the fact that Tim Reynolds was here too just blew my mind! He is such a legend as well and to get to see him with DMB live was almost mind-blowing.
"Celebrate we will
Because life is short but sweet for certain
We're climbing two by two
To be sure these days continue
These things we cannot change"
(From Two Step, off the Crash album, which is was the last song they played last night)

I'm so jealous! Glad you girls had fun. My fave show ever was seeing them play at CU in Boulder some years back. :)
Glad you enjoyed the show ;)
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